Secondary conditions, or symptoms are most commonly a result of a primary condition or an underlying issue.
Secondary conditions, or any signs of sickness are just warning signs from your body that something isn’t working right.
If we chased the symptoms, or just picked the dandelion, it will keep coming back again. If we dig out the root, or correct the primary condition, we can get rid of the weed and promote health and function in the body.
Correction is not a quick fix. Think about how long your symptoms have been there. How long were they there before you realized it? Healing takes time, but the end reward of health is so worth it! Quick fixes only last for a few years and then the primary condition has had time to progress. Don’t wait when it comes to your health!
Here at our office, we don’t want to only focus on getting rid of your symptoms. We focus on Neuro-Structural correction. Correcting the primary issue that is causing the symptoms to be there in the first place, allows us to keep the secondary conditions from coming back again. In turn, you get to really enjoy daily activities and hobbies that you were once unable. You get to really enjoy being healthy.