Schedule a Complimentary Consultation Today

At Balanced Health Chiropractic, we believe you should have a chance to discover if we are the right solution for you before you invest your time, effort, and money in our office. Your decision should be based on information, not speculation. Our consultation is a 15-20 minute conversation; not an examination and not a high-pressure sales pitch common in the chiropractic profession.

When you visit our practice, you can expect two things to happen:

  • We will get to know you.
  • You will get to know us, and how we may be able to help you achieve better health.

We will provide you with an overview of chiropractic, and then explain how our focus of Neuro-Structural Correction is quite different than Conventional Chiropractic. Most importantly, we’ll be able to determine whether this can be the solution you’ve been searching for to achieve optimal health.

Following your consultation with Dr. Casey, you are more than welcome to proceed with a complete patient history and Neurostructural Examination that day, or you are welcome to schedule for a future date.

To schedule an appointment for your complimentary consultation please call (507-337-2424) or email (