Pregnancy is a wonderful and exciting time for parents, and it is also a time when women’s bodies are rapidly adapting to the many changes in their physiology. Although widely accepted that expectant moms can experience a number of physical, emotional and social stress factors during pregnancy, this study suggests that women under chiropractic care may experience a greater quality of life in pregnancy.
Although there is no clear data on how many pregnant women seek chiropractic care, it is known that musculoskeletal pain and quality of life are common reasons why they see a chiropractor. ICPA chiropractors provide care from a holistic perspective on health, one that recognizes and respects the human body’s ability to express its optimal life potential. This certainly applies to the pregnant woman as she experiences the many changes throughout pregnancy. The Webster technique is a specific chiropractic pelvic analysis and adjustment utilized by ICPA chiropractors in women throughout pregnancy.
A recent survey study of 343 pregnant patients reported high satisfaction and improvement related to symptoms and quality of life across all measures –
• Improved energy levels
• Less pain
• Better sleep patterns
• Improved social roles and interaction
Oft︎en people will ask, “How can a ︎Chiropractic adjustment affect baby positioning?” The answer is by improving pelvic balance. When the mother’s pelvis is out of alignment, the ligaments that connect from the pelvis to the uterus increase their tension (tone) resulting in a ︎distortion to the uterine space. The chiropractic adjustment to the pelvis releases tension to the ligaments and uterus so that the baby can move freely and assume the best possible position for birth.
It is important to realize that many pregnant women are seeking ICPA doctors throughout their pregnancies to utilize the many additional benefits of the Webster technique. For every stage of pregnancy, this adjustment reduces interference to the nervous system—a vital benefit to improve physiology for both Mom and her baby. When Mom’s physiological func︎on is at its best, the baby’s development is optimized. Balancing the pelvic bones, muscles and ligaments and improving normal physiology sets the stage for a natural birth. Chiropractic care and the Webster technique allow for safer, easier births!
Dr. Casey is a certified ICPA Chiropractor – You can find an ICPA doctor anywhere on their website by clicking find a chiropractor and type in zip code or address. Being certified means we have gone through extra training to take the best care of preconception, pregnant moms, and kids from newborn to teen agers.