How Strong is Your Foundation? 

When we talk about the foundation of your spine, I am referring to your pelvis. As you can see in the picture, on the left side is a pelvis that is normal and on the right side is a pelvis that is not level. You can also see that the uneven pelvis causes the rest of the spine to shift out of normal spinal alignment due to the uneven foundation. 

Think about every step you would take when you are walking and how much extra stress that could put on your ankles, knees, hips and spine if you that uncorrected. I would guess your body would start to wear down.

Not having a strong foundation can lead to a myriad of different secondary conditions or also called symptoms. We explain secondary conditions on the next page!

Correcting your structural abnormalities will relieve pressure on the discs, relieving pressure on your nerves, thus relieving your secondary conditions. Corrective adjustments not only help you feel better but help you function better. 

Secondary Conditions Due to a Structural Issue 

An unstable foundation in the spine is the most common reason to why your weight will not be even. An unstable foundation is an underlying cause of abnormal posture. Ignoring postural changes can affect your overall health and set you up for neck and shoulder strain, back pain and even joint damage. You may dismiss the discomfort for a while, but it’s your body’s way of getting your attention.

Having poor posture may lead to aches and pains, but having it over the long term is when you get real damage.

Long term foundation issues if left uncorrected, will lead to these secondary conditions:

*** The most common secondary condition due to having more weight on one side of your body is tension between the shoulder blades or tension on one side of the body.

There are many treatments options for each of these secondary conditions. A lot of these options are for quick relief of the issue. These quick fixes are only for temporary relief which sometimes that may be exactly what you want. We can choose to patch the issues or correct them by correcting the foundation.

Not all chiropractors are alike. Although they go by the same name, chiropractors today differ greatly. As a result, when patients go to different chiropractors they get different opinions, care provided, and results. This can be both confusing and frustrating. Let me tell you a little bit about what we do and our unique approach to health!

The structural analysis is only a part of our analysis at our office to analyze your body and to find the primary condition that is causing your symptoms or secondary conditions. Correcting the primary issues in your spine make it so you don’t have to deal with the same issues listed above on a day to day basis. 

We do an extensive exam that shows you exactly where your problem areas are. This allows us to get the primary areas in your spine corrected and gets you on the right track to living a healthy lifestyle ASAP! 

At Balanced Health, we focus on Neuro-Structural correction by utilizing structural radiographs, nervous system functional exam, and a structural analysis in an effort to detect and correct the structural abnormalities that are the cause of your secondary conditions. We focus on correcting your foundation which keeps you from dealing with the same issues over and over again.

Come in for our complimentary consultation at Balanced Health Chiropractic to hear if we are a good fit for you!

Pesto Chicken Salad


  • 2 cups rotisserie chicken
  • ¾ cup plain Greek yogurt
  • 6 oz pesto


  • Combine all ingredients in a large bowl. Mix together and serve in a wrap, on toast or a croissant or on top of lettuce like arugula, kale or romaine.


  • Make ahead: Meal prep this recipe and make ahead for a week’s full of lunches.
  • Storage: Store leftovers in an airtight container for up to 5 days in the refrigerator.

Yummy Snack Idea

  • Yogurt (You want whole food/milk, look at sugar content and you want as much protein as you can get.)
  • Almond Butter
  • Cinnamon 
  • Honey 
  • Mix together and top with fruit: strawberries, and bananas like pictured