Healthy Living Nutrition Tips

  1. Drink Enough Water – You body weight divided by 2 = the # of ounces you should be drinking daily.
  2. Enjoy eating your Fruits and Vegetables – The recommended daily amount is about 5 servings. You have to mix up what you buy and the way that you eat them. I try to do one new recipe per month of how I cook my vegetables or we do get sick of eating them.
  3. Cook at home as much as you can.
  4. Snacks including healthy fats will keep you full for a longer period of time. 
  • Avocados – avocado toast, avocado and cottage cheese
  • Nuts – make your own trail mix with dried fruit
  • Coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil, grape-seed oil – protein balls with coconut oil, 
  • Full Fat Dairy in moderation – The best diary to eat is labeled organic, full fat, grass fed but it still is hard for some people to digest so eat dairy in moderation. 
  • Hard boiled eggs
  1. Probiotics – promote a healthy gut creating an environment of health in your body and not a place where disease and sickness can flourish. 
  • Yogurt
  • Kefir
  • Sauerkraut
  • Kombucha 
  1. Meals should be balanced and include – protein, healthy carbs and veggie.
  2. Meal Plan and Prep – This is said all the time but it is key to staying on track. It helps you have healthy food at home to easily prepare or if you fully prep everything you can easily grab and go!

Heres my secret:

  • I have one treat a day or maybe 1 for the week that I look forward as my cheat snack, meal etc. Find what keeps you motivated to stay on track. When you have this treat it is one serving – it is not a time to let yourself go overboard! 

Bonus: Get moving for 30 min per day or get your steps in with something you love doing! If you didn’t get time for that exercise plan today, you will have time tomorrow but do something active you love doing in place of that workout today!