Exercises For Moms

This exercise program is just for Moms!

I am sharing this information because I was given it at some time during my education and EVERYONE should know this! I did this program after I had Ajax and I really enjoyed it and felt like it helped me recover completely! It is called The Mutu System. This system gives you some nutrition tips and exercises that target your deep core muscles! Moms – carrying a baby for 9 months your core muscles will not just go back to what they used to be if you don’t retrain them correctly.

Strengthening your core muscles is so important! You use them for everything! And as a Chiropractor, a strong core = no low back injuries!!! 

This program is for you if you: 

  • Have Diastasis Recti (How to check if you have DR here.)
  • Still look pregnant
  • Leak when you sneeze
  • Find sex painful or uncomfortable
  • Lack body confidence
  • Want to lose weight and feel strong again
  • For moms of newborns, toddlers, tweens and even teens

**** This is for any women who wants to feel good again!**** 

You can check out their 12 week course here

You can check out their Pelvic Floor Strengthening here!

If you aren’t quite ready to sign up for anything they have a free download —> “10 things your doctor didn’t tell you about your post baby body.”

If you found this information helpful, share it with another mama that might enjoy it too!