Breastfeeding Necessities

Breastfeeding can be very challenging at times. Here are some things that made it easier for me! 

You can even click on the pictures and it will take you right to where I got mine! (AMAZON IS LIFE!!)

#1 Spectra S2 breast pump

#2 Silicone Breast Pump

This silicone breast pump works great to boost your supply. You place it on one side while your baby is eating off of the other. If I had to do it again I would have bought 2 right at the start. 

#3 Freemie collection cups

These were great if you were busy and want to be hands free when you are pumping either with your baby right next to you or if you are busy working. 

#4 Breastmilk storage bags

#5 Extra parts 

#6 Coconut oil for your nipples right away when they are sore. 

#7 Breastfeeding pads – I liked both reusable and disposable for different situations. 


#8 Keep a big water bottle in every spot that you are in throughout your day to stay hydrated. 

If you have trouble breastfeeding contact a lactation consultant and chiropractor. They can help!!