Homemade Kombucha

You will need: 

  1. 2 cups starter tea and scoby from someone who brews kombucha (AKA ME!! Just ask and I can help.) 
  2. 8 black or green tea bags (I like green tea better.)
  3. 1 cup sugar  
  4. 1 rubber band
  5. 1 breathable top – I use a paper towel but you can use cheese cloth, coffee filter etc.
  6. Big pot to brew tea
  7. Big (4L) glass jar to ferment kombucha – I used an old big pickle jar we found in my mom’s stash of jars. 
  8. Glass bottles with plastic top – It fills 4 quart mason jars. These lids below are awesome!! You can also use old store bought kombucha bottles.
  9. Frozen fruit and seasonings to flavor tea. 
These are the plastic lids I like to use on the mason jars! 


  1. Boil 14 cups water
  2. Add 1 cup sugar to boiling water, stir until dissolved.
  3. Add 8 tea bags. 
  4. Let cool to room temp by leaving on counter or place the pot in an ice bath. 
  5. Remove tea bags and pour into your big jar to ferment. 
  6. Add 2 cups starter tea and then place scoby on top. 
  7. Cover with cloth and rubber band to keep tight. 
  8. Let your kombucha ferment for 7-10 days. Now your kombucha will be ready to flavor!  Around 7 days it is more sweet and the longer you leave it to ferment the more tart taste it will acquire. 

7-10 days later….

  1. Wash your hands, take out the scoby and set aside with 2 cups of tea for the next batch. Repeat steps 1-7 while you continue with step 1 & 2. 
  2. Empty kombucha into glass containers (I use mason jars.) with a plastic top. Add fruit to flavor. And its ready to enjoy! You can let it sit on the counter to let it get more fiz. When it is at your desired taste place in the fridge. 

My favorite combinations:

  • Apples and cinnamon stick
  • Mango
  • Peaches
  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries
  • Mixed berries